Part 2: The Dressmakers

Enterprise Development Narrative of

 Open Wardrobe©열여라 옷장

Open Wardrobe

Part 2 and its name, The Dressmakers, heralds a new chapter in H | S and the Spring Driving. The five fashion houses will ultimately dissolve in meaning allowing the new establishment of myths and archetypes within the community of Open Wardrobe. Bloom, Provensen, West, Blackwater and Foxwood were just a game… breathe… now comes the hard part. Creating a user community generated dialogue that is actively formed through the creation of metadata, fashion affinity to existing archetypes, and the established network of Open Wardrobe. The available data would be leveraged through data mining and data visualisation will be used to express and discover new market demographics and fashion buying habits and motivations. It may sound like the app is exploiting your experience of Open Wardrobe – instead it is only enhancing it, challenging it and ultimately reinventing it – the act of data mining is communal and tangibly interactive and dynamic. A new user experience will become established which is more closely geared to the intelligence gathered after the Tastemakers and you the user can play an active role in The Dressmakers and be rewarded for it. You can choose to have your profile and user generated content accessed by Open Wardrobe for data mining and if you do you will be rewarded with style points. If you don’t you are free to continue using the application and will be protected with privacy and discretion and anonymity.

Users can specialise in the data mining potential of Open Wardrobe and become trend forecasters and trend analysers and reporters. A series of unlock able video content will provide users who specialise in this stream with the capability of focusing their attention on the ‘reef’ and finding original data sets, identifying stories in these ‘messy’ datasets, and use these datasets created by users to extract value and report on trends within the application of Open Wardrobe. Users learn techniques for cleaning and mining data with the aim of producing simple information visualisations that can be all be created on Open Wardrobe.

The ethical and legal obligations of trend forecasting ultimately becomes a game of relevancy, sorting out incorrect trend forecasters from those who hit in spot on during the season, gaining followers and style points from users.

The application of Open Wardrobe allows you to dress according to evidence (which are seasonal or upcoming trends) or discover new trends via intuition, which becomes a specialisation in itself and the potential to become trend setters themselves. Each user has a dashboard with personal user statistics that illustrate the narrative of trends within their user generated content and their relevancy with the community as well as their journey through the narrative of H | S and the five style archetypes. The dashboard is in effect a feedback mechanism between users and is a sense making exercise in style and fashion.

The ability to communicate the phenomena that is created within the community and its expression in the reef is an art itself, not entirely understood by H | S either – but it will be integrated with principles of gamification. It is an social discourse that must be explored and tapped into to elicit meaning and meaningful data. It would literally be a small, curated ocean of content that forms a reef along the sand bar of pre established archetypes and growing organically over the Spring season. The Spring Driving is the manifestation or pollination of the reef, a metaphor that resonates in meaning the more you encounter the reef in Open Wardrobe and encounter it with real world contexts and experiences.

The vision is for Open Wardrobe to become a cultural organisation and institution entrenched in the cultural and digital community of fashion that has an optimally productive relationship with its users that is aligned with longevity and loyalty. H|S regards its users as a branch of its business, as clients of Open Wardrobe, so you will be treated with care, attention and respect during this transition. The integrity of Open Wardrobe will always be protected along with issues of ethics and privacy.